Grantee tags environment

Live Sound Action – Cosmological Composition
Ladd, Eliza
Year Grant Awarded: 2010
a creative curriculum, for grown-ups and children, of movement, sound, and object for people living on the lower east side who have interest in working with the land, playing with animals, and creating embodied relationship with the earth / universe Read More
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Benedict, Bremner
Year Grant Awarded: 2010
Gridlines images are of electrical towers and lines stretching across open spaces in the American West. These photographs unsettle the viewer’s preconceptions of reality, by revealing patterns of beauty within a subject culturally regarded as ugly. Read More
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Swim Pony Performing Arts
Year Grant Awarded: 2010
Part performance, part installation, and part choose-your-own-adventure, SURVIVE! takes on themes of science, sustainability and humanity’s existence in the universe by letting audiences wander through 20,000 sq ft of performance installation. Read More
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