Urban Odyssey

Urban Odyssey depicts the experience of immigration to America through movement and visual theatre. It is a new work that is the culmination of a ten year investigation. The project began in 2002 with a production created from my personal experience as a Colombian immigrant. “9 Windows”, 1st episode, revealed a series of multi-media experiences of being a displaced immigrant. “Open Door”, 2nd episode (2006), addressed the impact of the many immigrants from diverse cultural backgrounds that make up NYC; revealing their histories and states of mind. “Room to Panic”, 3rd episode (2008), depicted the joy, fear, alienation and struggle that reveal the allure, disillusionments and rites of passage to achieve the American Dream.

Urban Odyssey merges all these concepts, creating an epic journey that acknowledges the inevitability of a new American culture. A voyage of human experience, from leaving ones homeland, to finding a new country, to making a new home and setting down roots.