Water, Water Everywhere, Paean to a Vanishing Resource

Water is the world’s most crucial commodity and the basis for all earthly life. Its preservation and protection may be our greatest environmental challenge. The global water crisis affects everyone, from those lacking enough to those experiencing uncontrollable floods that wipe away homes and land and wildlife.

Water, Water Everywhere is comprised of 30-second to 30-minute films from forty-five artists worldwide exploring water issues from the political to the personal and from ethics to aesthetics, with works that are documentary, experimental, educational, humorous, solemn, animated or acted.

Water, Water Everywhere began traveling to arts, educational, environmental, science, and other organizations and institutions beginning in fall 2012 and is scheduled to tour through 2017. It is offered in a variety of choices:

As a multi-day theatre screening/water film festival. All of these films are suitable for theatre screenings – in total, they make a water film festival. In that case, they are available individually – with a playlist suggesting the order in which they should be screened — or on four pre-programmed disks featuring all the films.

As a gallery exhibition of individually looped films (see below), with the remainder of the films available for theatre screening, in a prescribed order.

As a gallery exhibition of the looped films (see below), to accompany a locally curated 2- and 3-D art exhibition about water from regional artists, with the remainder of the Water, Water Everywhere films available for theatre screening.

The four programmed disks — titled “We’re All Downstream,” “Our Cup Runneth,” “A commons. A Public Trust. A Human Right,” and “Every Drop a World” — can also be looped and projected onto walls or shown on TV monitors, especially in cases where space is limited. (These disks are available for the film festival.)

(Because this is media work, the exhibition is flexible, and there are no specific space requirements. Rather

Additional Websites: https://www.facebook.com/WaterWaterEverywherePaeanToAVanishingResource, http://www.waterwatereverywhere-filmsforkids.com/