Grantee tags voting


Heintze, Marina

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

The "Poli-Ticks" series is in direct correlation to voter suppression, American Democracy, the archaic electoral college system, gerrymandering, and the toxicity found running rampant on “The Hill” among our elected officials. Read More

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An investigation of racially biased vote suppression and the funde

Greg Palast/Palast Investigative Fund of the Sustainable Markets Foundation

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

Investigating latest hidden tactics to suppress the minority vote, with focus on secretive “Crosscheck” voter roll purges. Findings published by Rolling Stone, broadcast by Al Jazeera, Democracy Now and shared with Voto Latino, other rights groups. Read More

Greg Palast

Palast, Greg

Year Grant Awarded: 2010

Greg Palast’s reporting team investigated crucial, difficult stories for BBC TV, Democracy Now! Rolling Stone and In These Times: vote suppression, vulture finance attacks on Africa, oil pollution in the Amazon and the Deepwater Horizon blow-out. Read More