Grantee tags Mexican

Graniceros of Amecameca, Mexico

Sorrentino, Joseph

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Graniceros are traditional Mexican shamans who perform ceremonies to control the weather, ceremonies that have remained essentially unchanged for hundreds of years. The ceremonies follow the agricultural cycle, taking place from February through November. Read More

In the Fields of the North / En los campos del norte

Bacon, David

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

In the Fields of the North tells the story of the migration, grinding poverty yet vibrant culture of indigenous Mexican farmworkers on the Pacific Coast. Read More

“Flor de Tierra, Homage to the Women of Juarez”

Arroyo, Andrea

Year Grant Awarded: 2009

“Flor de Tierra, Homage to the Women of Juárez” ia a project in progress of 400 drawings in tribute to the victims of femicide in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Part of the exhibit "Raza con A" at NYU's Wagner Gallery. Read More

Farmworker Women in Western New York

Sorrentino, Joseph

Year Grant Awarded: 2006

Although the majority of farmworkers in the US are men from Latin America, in recent years, more women have started to work on farms. For this project, I documented the lives of Mexican women working on farms in western New York. Read More