Grantee tags art

Land Enveloped

Dunnagan, Lindsey

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Land Enveloped is a magical and immersive fiber installation. Made of pliable walls, visitors are invited to create new paths through a landscape reminiscent of my childhood in Alaska. Read More

Ecotones, Blue Ridge Series

Sell, Amie

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

These sculptural forms abstractly explore the overlaps of these thriving buffers, visualizing coexistence. Ecotones are the transitional zone between two ecological communities, often rich in biodiversity. The layered landscapes show interconnections between the terrain, geology, water, flora... Read More

Still, Life: A Photographic Journey Through Grief

Treanor, Sarah

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

"Still, Life" is a photographic self-portrait series exploring the transformative power of art during times of grief. Created by the artist resulting a death in her life, this project aims to raise awareness about the value of art and creativity in healing, both for the creator and the viewer. Read More

If There Is No Struggle

Katsiane, Jared

Year Grant Awarded: 2021

A young photographer celebrates historical figures via Boston’s public art. Read More

The Art of Un-War

Niro, Maria

Year Grant Awarded: 2019

In "The Art of Un-War" Krzysztof Wodiczko challenges our complacency towards war, xenophobia, and displacement with his unique large-scale projections onto monuments and facades. Read More

The SCRIABIN SONATAS Reimagined, Part 1

Akselrud, Elina

Year Grant Awarded: 2019

This Intertwining Arts project is a blend of live piano performance of the first five Piano Sonatas by Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) and a simultaneous projection of artistic video collages, with the Planet Earth and humanity's impact on it as the main subject matter. It was premiered in June'19. Read More

Art As Social Inquiry

Theresa BrownGold aka TBG Pussi Artist

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

Art As Social Inquiry combines art and advocacy as a way to engage audiences. Read More

What Is The Meaning Of This

Gazda, Paul

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

“What Is The Meaning Of This” highlights Paul Gazda’s conceptually and technically innovative art which has evolved over 35 years from simple photo collages of landscapes to complex mixed media assemblages dealing with ideas. Read More

Walking in Antarctica

Glazer, Helen

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

Walking in Antarctica is a solo exhibition of photographs and sculpture of the Antarctic landscape by visual artist Helen Glazer inspired and informed by her experiences as a grantee of the National Science Foundation Antarctic Artists and Writers Program. Read More

Early Career Artists

Orion Magazine

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

Deemed by the Boston Globe "America’s finest environmental magazine," Orion has received several Puffin grants. Ad-free and artistically presented, Orion produces print and digital editions that address the most pressing environmental issues. Read More