Genres Fine Arts

Owed to The Mountain

Jacobs, Diane

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Owed to The Mountain is a call to action, an artist book that weaves multiple Native stories together contemplating our nonhuman relationships. Featured are handset letterpress-printed text, solar etchings from Sumi ink animal drawings, and colorful woodcut ecosystems showing the changing seasons. Read More

Joshua Tree Chronicles

James, Shirley

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

The project is a two-fold project that documents Joshua Trees on Joshua Tree wood using the woodburning technique called Pyrography and promote it as a fineart and create a public awareness of the unique qualities of the Joshua Tree. Read More

making ourselves visible: a day-long project in feminist space-making

Jen Kennedy and Liz Linden

Year Grant Awarded: 2010

Making ourselves visible is Jen Kennedy and Liz Linden’s one-day experiment in feminist space-making at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art in the Brooklyn Museum. Read More

100 Years All New People (previously Paradise Begins With a Shipwreck)

Jessica Segall

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

100 Years, All New People is an installation of material collected at U.S. borders where asylum seekers have circumvented increasingly severe immigration control. Read More


Kildall, Scott

Year Grant Awarded: 2011

. Read More

Landscape and Life Form

Knowles, Elizabeth

Year Grant Awarded: 2010

LANDSCAPES AND LIFE FORMS is a site-specific outdoor installation created for Governor’s Island, New York for the summer of 2010. The sculpture consists of hundreds of rocks painted with fractal formations stacked in a pod like shape. Read More


Knowles, Elizabeth

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Lotus is a collaborative sculpture by Elizabeth Knowles and Eric Laxman consisting of colorful lotus petals fabricated from woven wire mesh unfolding and rising from a stainless steel armature. Read More

How to Transition On Sixty Three Cents a Day

Krist, Lee

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

This limited edition letterpress printed artist book, is an unbound memoir made up of postcards. An epistolary that tells the tale of the author moving from NYC to Portland,Or and physically transitioning from female to male. Read More

Window Studio

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

The Window Studio project takes a participatory approach to traditional portraiture to create a collaborative portrait of the neighborhood of Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Read More

Learning How to Say Goodbye

Landau, Caroline

Year Grant Awarded: 2019

In June of 2019, Caroline and photographer/videographer Oliver Rye traveled to Newfoundland to make molds of icebergs. This is an ongoing project that will continue into 2020 when the mold will then be replicated into glass and filled back up with its own glacier water. Read More