Genres Fine Arts

The Disappearing Drumlin

Harries, Mags

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

Drone video map projected onto black sheep skin. Waves lap the shores of Sheep Island. Once 25 acres, the island is now just a few acres in size due to erosion from the waves. Read More

Weather Report

Harrison, Susan Rowe

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Weather Report is a pictorial cycle on the gallery walls that explores how humans are destroying the living world in a gothic landscape where plants that once flourished progressively fade or thrive depending on how you move through the room. It is neither a hopeful future nor a catastrophic one. Read More

Nowhere to Run: Climate Refugees

Heath, Jennifer

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

Scholarly art book/cataogue and traveling visual art exhibition about displacement of communities and individuals due to climate change, environmental degradation and ecological abuses. Read More

The Veil: Visible & Invisible Spaces — a traveling exhibition

Year Grant Awarded: 2008

A traveling visual arts exhibition that engages received wisdom about veils and veiling practices -- particularly stereotypes about Islam, featuring twenty-nine international new media artists, filmmakers, painters, sculptors and photographers. Read More

Resurrections: ECO-logy & ECO-nomy — a functional trash art exhibiton

Year Grant Awarded: 2010

An exhibition of trash reconstructed into items of use, and including four small satellite exhibits about ocean waste, nuclear waste, reuse of building materials in construction, and children's art made from trash. Read More


Heintze, Marina

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

The "Poli-Ticks" series is in direct correlation to voter suppression, American Democracy, the archaic electoral college system, gerrymandering, and the toxicity found running rampant on “The Hill” among our elected officials. Read More

Radicals and Revolutionaries

Hernandez, Juan

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Radicals and Revolutionaries was a solo exhibit that opened at the Angelica Kauffman Gallery on April 1, 2022, featuring microportraits of leaders from the Black Panther Party, the Civil Rights movement, and the Zapatistas, as well as unknown organizers. Read More

GPS- and audio-guided walking tour on the Bonneville Salt Flats

Hinrichsen, Sonja

Year Grant Awarded: 2011

GPS/audio-guided walking tour on the Bonneville Salt Flats near Wendover, UT. Hikers can walk the outlines of a miniature of ancient Lake Bonneville while listening to narrative about natural history and contemporary use of the Bonneville Salt Flats. Read More

“Uprooted Trees, Magicicadas and Climate Change”

Hoenig, Susan

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

My project for the Puffin Foundation grant was a series of twelve paintings with writings: "Uprooted Trees, Magicicadas and Climate Change". I exhibited these paintings at the Princeton Public Library in Princeton, New Jersey from September 19 - November 27, 2022. Read More

365 Release

Hong, YK

Year Grant Awarded: 2011

A year project of giving away one thing a day to practice and learn letting go, non-attachment and change. Read More