Genres Fine Arts

“Onkel Oskar’s Suspenders”

Bulow, Peter

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

"Onkel Oskar's Suspenders", a sculptural installation in Sherman Creek Park, Inwood, NY, is a tribute to the life of my mother, Gizelle, who was liberated from the Budapest Ghetto to migrate from one country to another (Israel, Germany, India) until her arrival in NY in 1968. Read More

Stories from My Mother

Bulow, Peter

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

The grant was used for the design and construction of sets and monumental as well as smaller puppets and marionettes for my play, "Stories from My Mother" Read More

Portrait Reading Event

Burnside, Nanci

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

After painting a dozen portraits and writing their life story a theater event is held. One by one the models sit on stage with their portrait while I read to the audience highlights from their life. Read More

Portraits of the Ecological Self

Callas, Kimberly

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Is there an ecological self? Is there a place within us that remembers we are nature? Can this ‘self’ hold the answers about how to live sustainably within the cycles and limits of our home planet? I explore these questions through this art project. Read More

You Know Your Children (formerly “The Bones of Our Tribe”)

Cano Villalobos, Mandy

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

This project retells the family histories of Anishinaabe matriarchs against the larger backdrop of U.S. – Native relations. Rooted in historical research and interviews, the final installation was exhibited at The Lubeznik Center (Michigan City, IN), upon land dispossessed from the Anishinaabe. Read More

Body Politic

Christa Carleton, Tonja Torgerson &

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Bodies have always been a point of control, debate, and controversy within our society. Printmakers Christa Carleton and Tonja Torgerson make work to highlight the tumultuous position of the body and gender roles. Read More

Rivers, Dreams, Invisible Cities

Ciarrocchi, Maya

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Rivers, Dreams, Invisible Cities features Maya Ciarrocchi's recent cyanotype prints on silk and works on paper that combine historical narratives with embodied and locative mapping to uncover buried pasts while investigating ecological issues. Read More

The Trip Wire Project

Colburn, Michele

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

The Trip Wire Project documents deaths of U.S. soldiers and noncombatant civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan since the beginning of US involvement 15 years ago.The artist knitted a stitch in military surplus trip wire. Read More

Ring around the rosy – Booster Chair for Death Row

Cortes, Esperanza

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Booster chair for Death Row is an interdisciplinary installation which intersects my work as an educator and my interest as an artist. The work incorporates, sculpture, painting and street interviews concerning the issue of trying minors as adults. Read More

iView: Analysis

Coughlin, Linda Rae

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

iView: Analysis is an international textile exhibit featuring sixteen artist from around the world who created artworks using the techniques of fiber hooking and stitching. This exhibit will be traveling through 2014. Read More